Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Fuck the USPS

This morning, I got a call on my cell phone around 10:30. It was Adriana asking me if I could work a Dem meeting tonight. I was to be the person who passed out literature for Aronberg. She put me in touch with one of his aids and I reluctantly agreed to do the volunteer work. Any other night would have been great, but there were two crucial playoff games. Simply to do a friend a favor, I missed the Astros/Cardinals (which was a thriller, incidentally). I did get back for the 2nd Inning of Sox/Yankees.

I kept in touch with a girl named Michelle all afternoon. When I was talking to her on the phone, I expected to a see a middle-aged fat lady. I was surprised at what I saw. She is actually very hot. Nevertheless, she laughed when she saw my Sox jersey. I was originally supposed to change into an Aronberg t-shirt, but as a Sox fan she thought it was sacrilege to take the shirt off on this most holy of days.

Here’s where the United States Postal Service comes in. Michelle had me run an errand to the Summit Boulevard Post Office. I have grown to despise that branch of government. First, they sent me to the back of the line for no good reason. I had gone to the front of the line because I was the only person there. Suddenly, about ten people showed up. I had passed some sort of imaginary line and they forced me to the back of the line. Then I finally get there with my 1300 pieces of campaign literature. They proceed to tell me that I need 49 cents postage instead of the standard 37. They said it was an “oversized pamphlet”. This is the second fucking time that’s happened to me. When working on the Burdick campaign, we ran into the same predicament. I wasn’t involved in putting the flier together, so there wasn’t much I could do.

The main purpose of my night was to work the West Lake Worth Democratic Club’s monthly meeting. I had to pass out the campaign literature to the assembled members. In all honesty, it was kind of worthless. Everybody in that room was a Democrat and probably 99 % were voting for Dave already. It did give me a chance to see some interesting speakers. Ric Bradshaw, a candidate for Sheriff, gave a speech. Then a representative for Ken Eggleston’s campaign gave an address. Evidently, it wasn’t important enough for Ken actually to show up. Instead, there was this balding 65-year old man who spoke with a lisp. I was hoping there would be another altercation. At a recent club meeting, the police had to be called in.

Dave finally showed up around 8:00. I did want to hear his speech. I was very impressed. He should have a great future in Florida politics. He excused me, since he knew I wanted to be home for baseball.

I got back in touch with Michelle after I left. She swore me to secrecy about the mailing dysfunction. I told her I’d keep them overnight and give them to Adriana tomorrow morning. I might have to go back to the Lake Worth office to help with the additional stamps. 1300 letters is a decent amount to have to work through. Hopefully each of us can take approximately 600.

Finally, I’ll leave with one observation. One thing I like about Dave is how his staff consists of so many young people. Dave himself is only 31-years old. It’s a contrast to the Democratic clubs, which are mostly made up of elderly Jews. I’m thrilled to see so many young people being employed by Dave.


Blogger E. Antonio Cioffoletti said...

Those bastards at the Post Office have been bitchy ever since they started losing control of the mail. It all started with UPS and FedEx and now everyone has e-mail.

Glad to see Dave employs so many young people myself. I'm tired of old people. I hate the way they say shit like: "I just wanted to tell you that I think you are a very sweet young man and you are sure to have a wonderful future ahead of you." So fucking random.

Does Michelle have a boyfriend? How old is she? If she doesn't, ask her out!

October 21, 2004 at 1:54 AM  

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