Sunday, January 02, 2005


Now that the year 2004 has reached its conclusion, I decided to take a look back at the year. I'm trying to remember all the good and bad things that have taken place over the past twelve calendar months. Forgive me if I forget some things.

The Good (in no particular order):

1) My introduction to Jack Daniel's - Overall, I think that October night was beneficial to me and my development. I've learned that there are two sides to alcohol. The side I've been exposed to (my family) taught me the dangers of excess. This experience showed me how Jack can be enjoyed responsibly. I still don't regret abstaining for all these years, as I don't feel that JD is the key to a happy night. Nevertheless, I'm glad that I was able to work through a phobia of mine.

2) Poker - This was the first year I played a hand of Texas Hold 'Em poker. While my playing time will be drastically cut with the onset of Spring Semester, I hope to make time in my life for poker games. It's given me something to practice and hopefully take pride in my improvements as a player.

3) Gary and my Mom - At first glance, their breakup would be seen as a bad mark on the year 2004. However, I see it on the contrary. Their time apart has given them the opportunity to think about what they both want out of life. That has set the stage for a likely reunion in 2005. As much as I joke about Gary, and he surely has flaws, he is a good man and cares deeply for his family. I'm proud to consider him one of my very best friends.

4) Eric & Zach - I've enjoyed the time spent together over this past year. I've been pleased by the fact that Zach and myself have grown closer over recent months. I value their friendship and hope to have many more good times in 2005.

5) Academics - 2004 was a great year for me academically. I got straight A's at PBCC in the Spring and 2 A's and 2 A-'s this term at FAU. It's elevated my GPA to a point where admission to graduate school shouldn't be a problem.

The Bad:

1) Democratic loss in November - Without question, this is the worst happening of the year. The year began with Howard Dean being the likely nominee and George Bush as a vulnerable incumbent. November came and John Kerry lost by 3 % and Democrats lost seats in Congress.

2) My accident - In June, I was involved in a minor accident which cost me time and money. I guess I should be glad nobody got hurt.

3) Florida sports (in general) - It's been a terrible year for the Dolphins and Gators. Ricky Williams retirement was bad enough. Then the Gators struggle to start the season and close 2004 by getting crushed by Miami. 2005 might bring better things with the hirings of Nick Saban and Urban Meyer, along with the Heat's possibility to win the NBA title.

In between:

1) Jennifer - I'm not looking to rehash this old situation. It's surely been discussed a lot in person and on my Live Journal. Suffice to say there are ways in which I should have handled things better. This story may continue into 2005, or maybe it might be best kept in 2004. Anyway, I don't want to get all dramatic here like I have done in the past. All I can say is that I try to learn from experiences and hope to forge more meaningful relationships in the future.

Resolutions. I guess I have to make these. I don't consider them New Year's Resolutions, as I try every day to make positive changes in my life.

1) Diet/Exercise - I need to do better at this. One new feature of my LJ will be frequent updates about this aspect of my life. I know I have the potential to do better and will start tomorrow morning. It will require a strict adherrance to exercise and a more reasoned approach to eating. I hope to lose at least 10 pounds in the next three weeks and work from there.

2) Study habits - Despite my superb grades, my study habits are abysmal. I literally didn't study more than an hour for any test this year. Even for final exams, my studing consisted of waking up at 6:00 in the morning. Most of my papers were written sometime around 7:00-9:00 a.m. I know that habits such as these will eventually catch up with me as classes become harder. So my resolution is to avoid procrastinating. This will be vital if I plan to attend graduate school.

3) Become more outgoing - This is a resolution I make almost every year. I have a hard time because I have a difficult time sometimes expressing my feelings. Some might think I'm uninterested or bored when in reality I'm simply shy. I don't expect a full personality change, but I can make minor alterations that may have a positive result.

It feels good to take a look back at this year and visualize improvements that can be made in the upcoming one. Overall, 2004 wasn't a great year yet had enough bright spots that present 2005 as a potentially better year. So as I sit in my bedroom and see the closet doors busted down (long story) and a lot of cleaning up to do, I'm ready to regroup and get on with 2005.



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