Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas Plans

In case anybody cares, and I doubt they do, I'll briefly outline my plans for the Christmas holiday.

Christmas Eve, I still have some last minute shopping to do. I need to buy something for my Mom's birthday, which comes two days after Christmas. I'm sure the malls will be hell tomorrow with last minute shoppers. I've been instructed to go to some store called Bath & Body Works. It sounds only marginally better than Crate and Barrel. Anyhow, I'll try to make it as painless as possible.

Later, I have to get my haircut at noon. Hopefully that won't take me more than 15 minutes.

The family is celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve this year. We'll meet down in Boynton Beach and gather with relatives. Nothing particularly noteworthy, but it should be enjoyable.

My Mom works on Christmas Day and it looks like most of my friends will be out of town. I might offer to go with Gary and see his family in Winter Haven. Either that or I could sit at home and enjoy Heat vs. Lakers, Raiders vs. Chiefs, and Tennessee vs. Denver. I think I'll choose the latter. I'll add in some Jim Feist Poker and it'll be the greatest Christmas ever!



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