Sunday, August 15, 2004

Chickenhawks of the GOP are at it again

August 15, 2004

Their headline, not mine. Although that was very clever, and in IRL I will take credit for this appropriate heading.

Chickenhawks of the GOP are at it again

The Republicans, once again, are attempting to smear a legitimate American war hero. The laughably named Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ("McCain denounces ad disputing Kerry's war service," Aug. 6) are just the latest in a line of conspirators willing to allege anything to help Republicans maintain control of government.

The men who served on Sen. John Kerry's Swift boat support his presidential campaign. By contrast, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth consist only of individuals who served on Swift boats not commanded by Sen. Kerry.

It began in 2000, when President Bush's crew viciously attacked its main GOP rival, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. Faced with a dire struggle in the crucial state of South Carolina, Mr. Bush stood by a Vietnam vet who claimed that Sen. McCain had "come home and forgot us." Not surprisingly, Sen. McCain has denounced the attack ad leveled against Sen. Kerry. During the 2002 midterm elections, the Republicans had the audacity to question the patriotism of Sen. Max Cleland, D-Ga. It wasn't enough that the man gave three limbs for his country in Vietnam. Saxby Chambliss, his GOP opponent, ran an ad placing Sen. Cleland's face with those of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

Chickenhawks may be the most appropriate word to describe these Republicans who continually question the patriotism of good men. The contrast between the two presidential candidates is clear. Sen. Kerry chose to serve in Vietnam, while men such as George W. Bush found a way out. On the other hand, Mr. Bush cannot even vouch for his Texas Air National Guard duty during the 1970s.



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