Friday, January 21, 2005

Early Semester Thoughts

Finally, I've gotten my class schedule set. I decided to drop the Political Parties & Interest Groups course. It's a shame, since the subject matter was interesting and I liked the professor. However, I really think four 4000 level courses is enough for one term. I didn't want to get into a situation where I'd have to drop a class mid-semester. My main goal was to take as many Communication courses as possible.

I'm a little more enthusiastic about this semester. US Journalism is getting better. I might be the only person who finds the history of journalism to be interesting. This is very much a history course that focuses on the roots of journalism. The absence of a term paper and focus on four individual essays makes the prospects of an A very promising.

News Media Ethics could also be interesting. The class also branches out into elements of philosophy, such as the Heinz dilemma. It'll be a significant amount of work, but doable.Florida Politics should be easy for me. I'm taking this class as part of my Political Science minor. I plan to be involved a lot in

Florida politics as we try to re-elect Sen. Nelson and elect a Democratic governor in 2006.

Finally, there's Mass Comm Law. I wrote an entire post about Mr. Suits. It's hard to put a positive spin on this course. I have to promise that I'll keep up on my reading and prepare well for tests. There's no reason I can't escape this miserable course with an A.

My goal for the Spring 2005 term is 2 A's and 2 B's. I want to keep a minimum of 3.5 GPA going into Senior year. Of course, I'm going to work hard and try to get additional A's. I have to tell myself that I'll keep up on the reading and not procrastinate. If done properly, all of these classes are potential A's.


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