Tuesday, January 11, 2005

UCF Plans

For a couple of years, I have flirted with the idea of transferring to the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Various reasons have led me to stay at FAU and continue living at home. I seriously began contemplating a transfer last term, but figured admission for 2005-spring term would be unfeasible. So I set my target for the fall of 2005.

I’ve taken time to weight the pros and cons of continuing my education at FAU, or deciding to transfer to UCF or another state university. The pros of FAU were that it was relatively cheap, I could save money by staying at home, and have the security of familiarity. I won’t denigrate the education I receive at FAU. Overall, it is a respectable institution on par with a UCF or USF. However, FAU lacks the true college environment of a FSU, UCF, UF, etc. This is partly due to the fact that FAU is often times referred to as “Transfer U”, because of the number of transfers from local community colleges.

I’ve genuinely begun to feel that transferring to UCF is in my best interest. I want to have one more year of fun before starting graduate school or entering the workforce. I’ve enjoyed my visits to UCF over the past few months and could get used to living there. I also turn 21 in June. It’s probably long past overdue that I move out of my parents’ residence and try to make it somewhat on my own. I say somewhat because I’ll still be getting financial assistance from my Mom. Still, it constitutes a big step to finally move out of the folks’ house.

I have my hesitations about making this decision. I’ve never been one that adapts particularly well to change. I’m very comfortable in my room and my surroundings in Jupiter. Things have been the same way for years and change comes harder for some people than it does for others. However, I’m confident that I’ll eventually get over any initial homesickness and make a home for myself in Tivoli.

I’m in the final stages of coming to a definitive conclusion on my status for next year. Short of receiving official admission from the board, I’m ready to make the decision to transfer. In the next few weeks, I’m going to travel to the campus and begin making plans. I want to get specifics about my major and see how the university will recognize my existing credits. I don’t foresee many significant problems in this regard. A Communication degree is pretty standard anywhere you go.

Of course, the issue of housing needs to be addressed. Fortunately, I have an early opportunity to finalize this aspect of my transfer. I’m seriously considering rooming at the Tivoli apartment complex, which I believe is on University Drive. I’m told it costs only $425 a month, but comes without furnishing. I’ve also thought about the Riverwind Complex, a slightly better facility nearby. I’m expecting Tivoli will be my eventual destination, but I want to explore all the options before making a final commitment.

If all goes according to plan, life in Orlando could be significantly more enjoyable than my life in Palm Beach County. I’m not saying that I’m unhappy where I currently reside, but I see numerous opportunities awaiting me at UCF. Moving out on my own is a step that I have to take, whether it is somewhere in Palm Beach County or in Orlando. I certainly would have a better time in a college town rather than a retirement town.

I’m happy with the self-improvements I’ve made over the last year or so and feel that I will grow even more as I take this next step. I’ll conclude with a poker analogy. It’s possible to stay alive in a game for hours if your only goal is to survive and place 2nd or 3rd. But sometimes you have to put all your chips in the pot early on and hope for the best. I’m tired of playing it safe. I feel like putting on my Fossilman glasses and going “all-in”.



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