Friday, September 17, 2004


My blog has gotten back in stride after delays caused by Hurricane France(s). Since Monday, I've mostly stayed away from the more personal issues. I figured that could use a rest for a while. But don't fret, I have some good stuff coming out shortly.

One proposed project is a "My Family" series. My plan is to make each installment approximately one page in length, as determined by MS Word. I'll write as many entries as needed to get through the dozen or so family members I wish to profile.

I guess I need to churn out a preview for Miami's Sunday night game versus Cincinnati. It won't be anything spectacular, but my goal is to write a preview and recap for every Dolphins and Gators game.

I'm going to ask for some help in crafting my news writing skills. There's two events I'm covering this week and next. On Friday, September 17, I'll be at the Jim Rassmann town hall meeting in WPB. Rassmann is the man whose life was saved by then Navy Lieutenant John Kerry. The following Wednesday, I'll do the best I can to write-up John Kerry's visit to West Palm Beach. The exact time and location is still to be determined.

"Slow jams of the day" have served as a substitute for direct introspection about my daily life. For the time being, I've kept certain subjects on the shelf. It's not that I don't ever want to talk about them again. I felt that for a brief period of time I had hijacked my own blog with excessive exposition regarding personal situations.

Finally, I have two retrospective pieces coming up. First, I am crafting a summary of the Howard Dean campaign. Basically, I will document his rise to prominence and the reasons behind his eventual fall. I promise I won't go off too hard on Generalissimo Clark. After that, I'm going to look back on the failed gubernatorial campaign of Bill McBride. I tried to broach this subject on DU. McBride's campaign has always been a bit controversial among Democrats. There were those who felt intensely loyal to Janet Reno, including myself. On the other hand, a majority of Democrats thought McBride was more electable than Ms. Reno. We all know how that race ended.

I'm sure there's more, but it's on a paper sitting inside my car. I come up with a lot of ideas, but not all of them turn into actual posts.



Blogger E. Antonio Cioffoletti said...

I'm flattered that you put so much thought into your blog. I usually just write whatever comes to my mind at the moment and go with it.

September 17, 2004 at 5:08 PM  
Blogger Taylor said...

I really don't put that much time into it. I think about my blog when I should be busy taking notes in class.

September 17, 2004 at 5:45 PM  

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