Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Yahoo! Search of my name

Every once in a while, I decide to do an online search for my name. Today I got 18 exact matches. Ten were relevant to yours truly.

I'm wondering why the search engine picked up two specific blog entries. One was on John Kerry being officially nominated on July 28. The other was after hearing the news of Ricky Williams' retirement.

I had some other articles from 2002 that were published on DU. I really should start writing for them, once again.

I was intrigued to learn that some online media site used my article, "Bowtie Brawler Takes a Beating", which was about Tucker Carlson's encounter with David Brock.

Having a fairly unique name, I have the benefit of not getting 1000 + matches. It's much harder for the Doug Smith and Mike Oxlong's of the world.


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