Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Fall Semester 2004 almost over

This can be seen as a good or bad thing. For a while back in September, I never thought we'd see the end of the semester. I figured we'd be in class well into January. But the weather calmed a bit and we should be done before the middle of December.

There's been a lot of memories from this semester that deserve a full entry before its over.

For now, I have to worry about a few big assignments left. In my Mass Communication Theory class, I have to write a 10-page term paper. MLA, the style I am most familiar with, will not be allowed. Instead, I have to use APA or CM. I despise the term paper. It's such a drag. I have to get started, as it's due the first class after Thanksgiving. I'll try to do two pages a day over five days, leaving some extra time for revision.

I also have two reporting projects due. The final one is the most important, making up 25 % of the final grade. It serves as a substitute for the final exam. This is for my News Reporting class.

I'm expecting to get an "A" in my English Lit class. In my Journalism courses, I expect to earn an "A" or "B+". I can still achieve an A if I do really well on these last couple of assignments.

In some ways, I'm sad that the semester is coming to a close. It's probably been my favorite semester in my college life. I'm now ready to begin choosing classes for Spring term. Hopefully I won't have any classes before 11:00 a.m.



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