Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Spring 2005 schedule

I finally got down to scheduling my classes for next semester. Overall, I am pleased with my selections. I was able to get good times and days.

COM 4621: News Media Ethics, Dr. Susan Willey
Wednesday, 1:00-3:50

JOU 4004: U.S. Journalism, Dr. Susan Willey
Tuesday, Thursday 11:00-12:20

JOU 4181: Coverage of Public Affairs, Dr. Susan Willey
Tuesday, Thursday 2:00-3:20

I'm still planning on taking at least one more class, possibly two. I might take one class in my minor. I'm looking at MMC 4200. It's Wednesday nights from 7:10-10:00. Personally, I'd rather have classes two days a week for 90 minutes apiece. Nothing I can do about that. Course selection in Jupiter is rather limited. I have to meet with an advisor and see where I stand. I'd rather take 12 credits and take a class or two this summer.



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